How To Be Annoying |
1. |
Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that
you "like it that way". |
2. |
Drum on every available surface. |
3. |
Sing the Batman theme incessantly. |
4. |
Specify that your drive-through order is "to go". |
5. |
Staple papers in the middle of the page. |
6. |
Buy large quantities of mint dental floss just to lick the flavor off. |
7. |
Order a side of pork rinds with your filet mignon. |
8. |
Ask 800 operators for dates. |
9. |
Write "X - BURIED TREASURE" in random spots on all of someone's roadmaps. |
10. |
Demand that everyone address you as "Conquistador". |
11. |
Push all the flat Lego pieces together tightly. |
12. |
Produce a rental video consisting entirely of dire FBI copy warnings. |
13. |
Tape pieces of "Sweating to the Oldies" over climactic parts of rental movies. |
14. |
Pretend your mouse is a CB radio, and talk to it. |
15. |
Try playing the William Tell Overture by tapping on the bottom of your chin. |
16. |
When nearly done, announce "no, wait, I messed it up", and repeat. |
17. |
Sew anti-theft detector strips into people's backpacks. |
18. |
Ask your co-workers mysterious questions, and scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter
something about "psychological profiles". |
19. |
Do not add any inflection to the end of your sentences, producing awkward silences with
the impression that you'll be saying more any moment. |
20. |
Construct your own pretend "tricorder", and "scan" people with it, announcing the results. |
21. |
Hide dairy products in inaccessible places. |
22. |
Write the surprise ending to a novel on its first page. |
23. |
Set alarms for random times. |
24. |
Learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends in public consisting entirely of
"Beeeep Bip Bip Beeeep Bip..." |
25. |
Remove every line of someone's .newsrc file except the entry for |
26. |
Instead of Gallo, serve Night Train next Thanksgiving. |
27. |
Leave your Nine Inch Nails tape in Great Uncle Ed's stereo, with the volume properly adjusted. |
28. |
Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a "croaking" noise. |
29. |
Honk and wave to strangers. |
30. |
Dress only in clothes colored Hunter's Orange. |
31. |
Change channels five minutes before the end of every show. |
32. |
Wear your pants backwards. |
33. |
Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complementary mints by the
cash register. |
34. |
Begin all your sentences with "ooh la la!" |
35. |
Rouse your roommates from slumber each morning with Lou Reed's "Metal Machine Music". |
36. |
Leave someone's printer in compressed-italic-cyrillic-landscape mode. |
37. |
38. |
only type in lowercase. |
39. |
dont use any punctuation either |
40. |
Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets. |
41. |
Pay for your dinner with pennies. |
42. |
Tie jingle bells to all your clothes. |
43. |
Repeat everything someone says, as a question. |
44. |
Inform everyone you meet of your personal Kennedy assasination/UFO/ OJ Simpson conspiracy
theories. |
45. |
Repeat the following conversation a dozen times: "Do you hear that?" "What?" "Never mind,
it's gone now." |
46. |
Light road flares on a birthday cake. |
47. |
Wander around the restaurant, asking other diners for their parsley. |
48. |
Leave tips in Bolivian currency. |
49. |
At the laundromat, use one dryer for each of your socks. |
50. |
When Christmas carolling, sing "Jingle Bells, Batman smells" until physically restrained. |
51. |
Wear a cape that says "Magnificent One". |
52. |
As much as possible, skip rather than walk. |
53. |
Stand over someone's shoulder, mumbling, as they read. |
54. |
Finish the 99 bottles of beer song. |
55. |
Sing the "This is the song that never ends..." song. (Ya know, from Lamb Chop?) |
56. |
Leave your turn signal on for fifty miles. |
57. |
Drive half a block. |
58. |
Name your dog "Dog". |
59. |
Inform others that they exist only in your imagination. |
60. |
Ask people what gender they are. |
61. |
Reply to everything someone says with "that's what YOU think." |
62. |
Lick the filling out of all the Oreos, and place the cookie parts back in the tray. |
63. |
Cultivate a Norwegian accent. If Norwegian, affect a Southern Drawl. |
64. |
Forget the punchline to a long joke, but assure the listener it was a "real hoot". |
65. |
Routinely handcuff yourself to furniture, informing the curious that you don't want to
fall off "in case the big one comes". |
66. |
Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with a can of Lysol. |
67. |
Deliberately hum songs that will remain lodged in co-workers' brains, such as "Feliz Navidad",
the Archies' "Sugar" or the Mr. Rogers theme song. |
68. |
While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet. |
69. |
Lie obviously about trivial things such as the time of day. |
70. |
Make beeping noises when a large person backs up. |
71. |
Leave your Christmas lights up and lit until September. |
72. |
Change your name to John Aaaaasmith for the great glory of being first in the phone book.
Claim it's a Hawaiian name, and demand that people pronounce each A. |
73. |
Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down. |
74. |
Chew on pens that you've borrowed. |
75. |
Invent nonsense computer jargon in conversations, and see if people play along to avoid
the appearance of ignorance. |
76. |
Wear a LOT of cologne. |
77. |
Ask to "interface" with someone. |
78. |
Listen to 33rpm records at 45rpm speed, and claim the faster speed is necessary because
of your "superior mental processing". |
79. |
Sing along at the opera. |
80. |
Mow your lawn with scissors. |
81. |
At a golf tournament, chant "swing-batatatatatata-suhWING-batter!" |
82. |
Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy". |
83. |
Ask the waitress for an extra seat for your "imaginary friend". |
84. |
Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme. |
85. |
Incessantly recite annoying phrases, such as "sticky wicket isn't cricket." |
86. |
Stare at static on the tv and claim you can see a "magic picture" |
87. |
Select the same song on the jukebox fifty times. |
88. |
Scuff your feet on a dry, shaggy carpet and seek out victims. |
89. |
Never make eye contact. |
90. |
Never break eye contact. |
91. |
Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears. |
92. |
Male or female - wear bedroom slippers and drag your feet so that the backs of the slippers
slap your heel. |
93. |
Construct elaborate "crop circles" in your front lawn. |
94. |
Give a play-by-play account of a person's every action in a nasal Howard Cossell voice. |
95. |
Holler random numbers while someone is counting. |
96. |
Make appointments for the 31st of September. |
97. |
Invite lots of people to other people's parties. |
98. |
Email fifty copies of this list to everyone you know. |