The Big List o' Frank
-- Remember there's a big difference between
kneeling down and bending over. -- You have just destroyed one model XQJ-37 nuclear powered pansexual roto-plooker....and
you're gonna have to pay for it. -- He was in a quandary...being devoured by the swirling cesspool of his own steaming
desires... uh.. the guy was a wreck -- And are going to you've never danced before! -- Bring
the band on down behind me, boys. -- Not a speck of cereal. -- Nothing but the best for my dog. -- You drank
beer, you played golf, you watched football - WE EVOLVED! -- It looks just like a Telefunken U-47! -- Don't mind
your make-up, you'd better make your mind up. -- They're serving burgers in the back! -- Jazz is not
just smells funny. -- Beebop tango introduction -- I have a message to deliver to the cute people of the world...if
you're cute, or maybe you're beautiful...there's MORE OF US UGLY MOTHERFUCKERS OUT THERE THAN YOU ARE!! So watch out. -- Is
that a real poncho or a Sears poncho? -- You're an asshole! You're an asshole!<BR> That's right! You're an
asshole! You're an asshole! Yes yes! -- Number one ain't you... You ain't even number two. -- We could jam
in Joe's garage,<BR> we didn't have no dope or LSD,<BR> but a coupl'o'quarts o'beer,<BR> would
fix it so the intonation,<BR> would not offend your ear. -- Who are the brain police? -- This is the
exciting part. <BR> This is like the Supremes <BR> see the way it builds up?<BR> Feel it? -- A
prune isn't really a vegetable...<BR> CABBAGE is a vegetable... -- Here's one for mother -- Only thirteen,
and she knows how to NASTY -- ARE YOU HUNG UP? -- Diamonds on velvets on goldens on vixen<BR> On comet
& cupid on donner & blitzen<BR> On up & away & afar & a go-go<BR> Escape from the weight
of your corporate logo! -- Don't it ever get lonesome? -- Eddie, are you kidding? -- I'll do the stupid
thing first and then you shy people follow... -- Stupidity is the basic building block of the universe. -- Never
try to get your peter sucked in France. -- Kill Ugly Radio -- I'm not black, but there's a whole lot of times
I wish I could say I'm not white. -- Help! I'm a rock! -- Another day, another sausage... -- I want a garden! -- Don't
mind your make-up<BR> you'd better make your mind up. -- On a personal level, Freaking Out is a process whereby
an individual casts off outmoded and restricting standars of thinking, dress, and social etiquette in order to express CREATIVELY
his relationship to his immediate environment and the social structure as a whole. -- from the liner notes of Freak
Out. -- Great googly-moogly - you're gonna do it too! -- Information is not knowledge, <BR> Knowledge
is not wisdom, <BR> Wisdom is not truth, <BR> Truth is not beauty, <BR> Beauty is not love, <BR> Love
is not music <BR> and Music is THE BEST -- Gee, it's so hard to find a place to park around here. -- Playing
guitar is like fucking -- you never forget it. <P> ... <P> Unless you're really, really stupid. -- There
are more love songs than anything else.<BR> If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another. -- If
classical music is the state of the art,<BR> then the arts are in a sad state. -- Beauty is a French phonetic
corruption of a short, cloth neck ornament, currently in resurgence. -- Don't cry...<BR> Gotta go bye bye...<BR> Suddenly
die die...<BR> Cop kill a creep!<BR> Pow pow pow -- Modern music is a sick puppy. -- Some Scientists
claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say
there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe. -- Most people wouldn't
know good music if it came up and bit them in the ass. -- As quoted in <B>Whole Grains</B>, an early 1970's
book of quotations -- I figure the odds be fifty-fifty I just might have some thing to say.<BR> -- The
person who stands up and says, ``This is stupid,'' either is asked to `behave' or, worse, is greeted with a cheerful
``Yes, we know! Isn't it terrific!'' -- The more BORING a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the
child, receive adulation for being GOOD PARENTS -- because they have a TAME CHILD-CREATURE in their house. -- The
worst aspect of `typical familyism' (as media-merchandised) is that it glorifies _involuntary_homogenization_. -- Gail
has said in interviews that one of the things that makes our relationship work is the fact that we hardly ever get to
talk to each other. -- The language and concepts contained herein are guaranteed not to cause eternal torment
in the place where the guy with the horns and pointed stick conducts his business. -- My best advice to anyone
who wants to raise a happy, mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away from a church as you can. -- I
like having the capitol of the United States in Washington, D.C., in spite of recent efforts to move it to Lynchburg, Virginia. -- He
[Barney Frank] is one of the most impressive guys in Congress. He is a great model for young gay men. -- Children
are naive -- they trust everyone. School is bad enough, but, if you put a child anywhere in the vicinity of a church,
you're asking for trouble. -- It would be easier to pay off the national debt overnight than to neutralize the
long-range effects of OUR NATIONAL STUPIDITY. -- Nuclear explosions under the Nevada desert?<BR> What the
fuck are we testing for?<BR> We already know the shit blows up.<BR> -- Politics is the entertainment
branch of industry. -- Star Wars won't work. Star Wars won't work. The gas still gets through; it could get right
on you. And what about those germs, now? Star Wars won't work. -- Washington, D.C.: a city infested with statues
-- and Congressional Blow-Boys who WISH they were statues. -- Thanks to our schools and political leadership, the
U.S. has acquired an international reputation as the home of 250 million people dumb enough to buy 'The Wacky Wall-Walker.' -- Stupidity
has a certain charm -- ignorance does not. -- The real question is: Is it possible to laugh while fucking?" -- The
single-child yuppo-family that uses the child as a status object: `A perfect child? Of course! We have one here -- he's
under the coffee table. Ralph, stand up! Play the violin!' -- Americans like to talk about (or be told about) Democracy
but, when put to the test, usually find it to be an 'inconvenience.' We have opted instead for an authoritarian system
<B>disguised</B> as a Democracy. We pay through the nose for an enormous joke-of-a-government, let it push
us around, and then wonder how all those assholes got in there. -- In every language, the first word after "Mama!"
that every kid learns to say is "Mine!" A system that doesn't allow ownership, that doesn't allow you to say "Mine!"
when you grow up, has -- to put it mildly -- a fatal design flaw. <P> From the time Mr. Developing Nation was
forced to read _The Little Red Book_ in exchange for a blob of rice, till the time he figured out that waiting in line
for a loaf of pumpernickel was boring as fuck, took about three generations. ... <P> Decades of indoctrination,
manipulation, censorship and KGB excursions haven't altered this fact: People want a piece of their own little Something-or-Other, and,
if they don't get it, have a tendency to initiate counterrevolution. -- If it sounds GOOD to YOU, it's bitchen; and
if it sounds BAD to YOU, it's shitty. -- The computer can't tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact mathematical
design, but what's missing is the eyebrows. -- In the fight between you and the world, back the world. -- Let's
not be too tough on our own ignorance. It's the thing that makes America great. If America weren't incomparably ignorant,
how could we have tolerated the last eight years? -- Lord have mercy on the people in England for the terrible food these
people must eat. And Lord have mercy on the fate of this movie and God bless the mind of the man in the street. -- <PRE> Interviewer:
"So Frank, you have long hair. Does that make you a woman?" FZ: "You have a wooden leg. Does that make you a table?" </PRE> -- If
your children ever find out how lame you really are, they'll gonna murder you in your sleep.... -- As quoted in <B>Whole
Grains</B>, an early 1970's book of quotations -- I'm not a man for all seasons but I'm doing something right.<BR> -- Frank
Zappa during the Senate PMRC hearings. -- Ugly as I mights be, I am your futum! -- There is no hell. There is
only France. -- ``Conducting'' is when you draw ``designs'' in the nowhere -- with your stick, or with your hands
-- which are interpreted as ``instructional messages'' by guys wearing bow ties who wish they were fishing. -- Without
music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid. -- The
bassoon is one of my favorite instruments. It has the medieval aroma -- like the days when everything used to sound like
that. <P> Some people crave baseball -- I find this unfathomable -- but I can easily understand why a person
could get excited about playing a bassoon. -- Whatever you have to do to have a good time, let's get on with it,
so long as it doesn't cause a murder. -- Politics is the showbiz of industry. -- Let's just admit that public
education is mediocre at best. -- Without deviation from the norm, 'progress' is not possible. -- The last election
just laid the foundation of the next 500 years of Dark Ages -- From 1981 -- Look, just because you have got
that fuckin' thing between your legs it doesn't make any diference. If a girl does something stupid I am going to
call her just as I would a guy. -- A world of sexual incompetents, encountering eachother, under disco circumstances...
Now can't you do songs about that? -- A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air
molecules,often with the assistence of unsuspecting musicians. -- There is no such thing as a dirty word. Nor is
there a word so powerful, that it's going to send the listener to the lake of fire upon hearing it. -- fuck that!
when did mediocrity and banality become a good image for your children? -- Why do you necessarily have to be wrong
just because a few million people think you are? -- Life is like highschool with money. -- Information doesn't
kill you... -- Senate Hearing on "Porn Rock", 1985 during an exchange with a Born Again Christian. -- Where
ever you're going, don't walk the first. If you do, people will think you know where you're going. -- A drug is
not bad. A drug is a chemical compound. The problem comes in when people who take drugs treat them like a licence to behave
like an asshole. -- Flatulence can be cruel! -- Speed: It will turn you into your parents. -- 1970 public
service announcement regarding drug (namely, speed) use -- Sopranos!? That's why God made the rocket launcher and grenade! -- Zappa
& I were talking about the difficulties of getting good performances of music each of us write. I asked him if
had had as many problems with sopranos and I had had. That was his response! <P> I got to drive him around
Columbus Ohio in April 1984 for the week he was at Ohio State participating in the 1984 National Conference of the
American Society of University Composers. We spent lots of hours together during that week and stayed in touch thereafter.
-- E. Michael Harrington -- There were 45 men in the jail cell, the toilet and shower had never been cleaned, the
temperature was 110 degrees so you couldn't sleep night or day, there were roaches in the oatmeal, sadistic guards,
and everything that was nice. -- Zappa 1969 interview <P> This had happened during the days of Studio Z
in Cucamonga (1963). Frank was released on bail (his father took out a bank loan to pay for it). Frank had been busted
for "conspiracy to commit pornography," after making a silly recording of suggestive sexual sounds (giggling edited
out) for someone who had asked him to provide a "special" tape recording for a stag night. That someone turned out
to be Detective Willis of the San Bernadino Vice Squad. Their conversation was recorded by a hidden microphone and this
was used as evidence at Zappa's trial. <P> More info from "ZAPPA - A Visual Documentary by Miles", Omnibus
Press, 1993, ISBN 0.7119.3099.6 -- Winos don't march. -- Reporter:<BR> This is a personal thing, I think
that if you wanted to make top ten hits and sell millions of records, you could. <P> Frank Zappa:<BR> Yeah,
but who wants to go through life with a tiny nose and one glove on? -- I was writing all kinds of positive and negative
canons and weird inverted this and retrograde that and getting as spaced-out mathematically as I could and I was going "Wait
a minute (laughs), who cares about that stuff?" I had always liked rhythm and blues so here I was stuck between the
slide rule and the gut bucket somewhere and I decided that I would opt for a third road someplace in between. -- From
an 1972 interview to Martin Perlich. On giving up writing serial music. -- It is always advisable to be a loser if you
cannot become a winner. -- I knew Jimi (Hendrix) and I think that the best thing you could say about Jimi was: there
was a person who shouldn't use drugs. -- From the second of two FZ interviews which were transcribed from an imported
CD called "The Frank Zappa Interview Picture Disk". Conducted sometime in early to mid 1984. -- Sometimes you got
to get sick before you can feel better. -- The emotion of every player is the most important thing, what stands behind
this chord or tone. If you leave that out, the music does not touch you. -- Interview from Keyboard June 1980. He
outlined his expectations of keyboardists, and discussed plenty of other topics pertinent to the keyboard chair in his
band -- It's better to have something to remember than nothing to reget... -- Why do people continue to compose
music, and even pretend to teach others how to do it, when they already know the answer? Nobody gives a fuck. -- If
you wind up with a boring, miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest or some
guy on TV telling you how to do your shit, then YOU DESERVE IT. -- From the Real Frank Zappa book. -- A mind
is like a parachute. It doesnt work if it not open. -- You've got to be digging it while it's happening<BR> 'cause
it just might be a one shot deal -- From Waka/Jawaka -- There will never be a nuclear war; there's too much real
estate involved. -- Zappa on the Tonight Show, C.A. 1988 -- Heaven would be a place where bullshit existed only
on television. (Hallelujah! We's halfway there!) -- Television. Sometime probably in 1988. The Real Frank Zappa Book
p. 234 -- Don't expect anything,don't expect fun, don't expect friends.. if you get's a BONUS -- Golly,
do I ever have alot of soul!! -- A reference from "We're only in it for the money" regarding his ability to strum,
sing dance, and make merry fun all over the stage! -- Shoot low, they're riding Shetlands -- European Zappa
distributors Music For Nations on the occasion of some anniversary of theirs. -- Everyone in thes room is wearing
a uniform, and don't kid yourself -- Live at the Circle Star, from 20 Years on the Road, when notified there were "cops
in uniform" in the audience. -- Children are naive-they trust everyone. School is bad enough, but, if you put a
child anywhere in the vicinity of a church, you're asking for trouble. -- Zappa expressing his opinion pertaining to
raising a child. He was saying that institutions such as schools and churches, which have the power to control and
brainwash your child, are totally over rated, and shouldn't always be recognized as a genuinely good thing. -- The
ONLY thing that seems to band all nations together, is that their governments are universally bad.... -- F.Z. in
German television interview -- If we can't be free at least we can be cheap. -- Whoever we are, whereever we're
from, we should have noticed by now our behaviour is dumb, and if our chances are expected to improve, it's gonna take
a lot more than trying to remove, the other race, or the other whatever, from the face of the planet altogether -- Dumb
All Over, You Are What You Is -- Nobody looks good bent over. Especially to pick up a cheque. -- Guitar Magazine
1984 -- The essence of Christianity is told us in the Garden of Eden history. The fruit that was forbidden was on
the tree of knowledge. The subtext is, All the suffering you have is because you wanted to find out what was going on.
You could be in the Garden of Eden if you had just keep your fucking mouth shut and hadn't asked any questions. -- Playboy
Interview, April 1993 -- When we talk about artistic freedom in this country We sometime lose sight of the fact that
freedom is often dependent on adequate financing. -- If you want to get laid, go to college, but if you want an education,
go to the library. -- Quoted in the Pittsburgh Press in the summer of 67. -- A lot of things wrong with society
today are directly attributable to the fact that the people who make the laws are sexually maladjusted. -- from
"I Seem To Be a Verb" by R. Buckminster Fuller, 1970. -- The gorilla is on an island,eats bananas and has a good time
all day long. He plays out there in the bushes. Some Americans find out about the gorilla and they hear how BIG he
is - you know.They're very impressed with the size of the beast. So they catch the gorilla & they stick him in a boat
& bring him back to the US. They show him off to everybody & make a bunch of money. ...Then they kill him
! -- The song King Kong.1968 tour Wisconsin. -- Well, you know I've been here many times, and only certain hours
of the day when I'm here am I asleep; the rest of the time I'm actually awake. -- I have a filler on a dat with zappa
being interrogated by a couple of swedish fans/state officers(who knows) which they are arguing over the pornographic
contents of his work. he tells them he has been spying on them, and claims that their porno industry is bigger than
that of the US. it's pretty funny. btw-this is from thew '88 tour. -- I can gross out anybody in this room. -- Said
during a concert at Mount Holyoke College in the early 1970s. -- Anything played wrong twice in a row is the beginning
of an arrangement. --I saw this in an email .sig at someone who sent in a comment to "Elephant Talk"- the King Crimson
email newsletter. -- Outdoors for me is walking from the car to the ticket desk at the airport -- Regarding secondhand
smoke in "The Real FZ Book" -- My music is like a movie for your eear -- Here I stand hoping against hope that
it's a chick with a low voice -- At a concert in Beloit, Wisconsin 1968 or 69 a guy in the audience yelled out, "Eat
me Zappa". -- Don't clap for destroying America. This place is as good as you want to make it. -- Zappa introduced
"Billy the Mountain" by revealing that Billy and Ethel took a vacation trip across the united States, destroying it in
the process. This was Zappa's response to the applause and cheers from the audience. Cleveland Colliseum, 1971 -- If
it can be conceived as music, it can be executed as music, and presented to an audience in such a way that they will perceive
it as music: "Look at this. Ever seen one of these before? I built this for you. What do you mean, 'What the fuck is
it?' It's a goddam ETUDE, asshole." -- This is a really nice place. Don't fuck it up. -- Chrysler Hall, Norfolk,
Virginia in the Spring of 1984. A very genteel place to see fine compositions performed live. Usually the opera folks
hang out there. -- The whole Universe is a large joke. Everything in the Universe are just subdivisions of this joke. So
why take anything too serious. -- In September 1992 on SFB 3 when he gave an interview about the Yellow Shark. -- You
can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whipped cream. -- On
a postcard from Rykodisc -- Kid's heads are filled with so many nonfacts that when they get out of school they're
totally unprepared to do anything. They can't read, they can't write, they can't think. Talk about child abuse. The U.S.
school system as a whole qualifies. -- Discussing the state of the education system in America - Playboy magazine,
April 1993. -- We haven't got'em whipped on this one yet. You got a bear by the tail here, uh? Jeezis! -- Bill
of Rights ground into 'hoopla' by a woman (presumably a senator's wife). from sleeve MOP -1985. -- There are fourty
people in this world, and five of them are hamburgers. -- It was in a book of "Rock quotes" that I read in college,
10 years ago. None of the quotes were put into any context. <P> Or is this a Beefheart quote? -- If
something goes wrong and you tend to smile it away, then you have someone to blame. -- Drop out of school, before
your mind rots from exposure to our mediocre educational system. Go to the library and educate yourself if you've got
any guts... -- Quoted from an article on FZ in the June 1995 issue of "SLUG" magazine. Article titled "Zappa
behind the Sneer. I think the magazine may be a local (Salt Lake City) publication. -- Never stop until your good
becomes better, and your better becomes the best. -- Now imagine a Moebius vortex inside a spherical constant, and you've got
my cosmology. -- 1992 -- The people of your century no longer require the service of composers. A composer
is as useful to a person in a jogging suit as a dinsoaur turd in the middle of his runway. -- from the Them Or Us
The Book -- THE VERY BIG STUPID is a thing which breeds by eating The Future. Have you seen it? It sometimes disguises
itself as a good-looking quarterly bottom line, derived by closing the R&D Department. -- from The Real
Frank Zappa book. -- For my taste, these solos (of some 50s blues guitarists) are exemplary because what is being
played seems honest and, in a musical way, a direct extension of the personality of the men who played them. -- January
1977. -- We play the new free music, music as the absolutely free, unencumbered by American cultural suppression -- It's
not pretty, also you can't dance to it. -- There's no single ideal listener out there who likes my orchestral music,
my guitar albums and songs like 'Dyna-Moe-Humm.' -- It's all one big note. -- Ladies and gentleman, watch Ruth.
All through the show, Ruth has been thinking...Ruth has been thinking? ALL THROUGH THE SHOW??? -- 17 November 1974,
Philadelphia -- We'll get back to the wimp, and his low-budget concepshum of personal freedom, in just a moment -- Thing-Fish. -- You
can tell what they think of our music by the places we are forced to play it in. This looks like a good spot for a livestock
show. -- April 1968, Chicago, Mothers of Invention open for Cream -- I'm not going to be Bill Clinton and
say I never inhaled. I did inhale. I liked tobacco a lot better. -- Interviewer:<BR> The notion of a "guitar
solo" has preconceptions based on it; people automatically refute it because it's supposed to be self-indulgent or "for
musicians." It's almost like things become iconographic and somehow lose their value for outsiders. <P> Zappa:<BR> Well,
who's fault is that? That's what _writers_ do. Musicians don't do that. The average person doesn't sit around thinking
about "iconographic problems of a guitar solo." -- Interview for Musician magazine, by Matt Resnicoff, November
1991. Reprinted in July 1995 Issue. -- Consider for a moment any beauty in the name Ralph. -- In an interview
with Joan Rivers who had just asked him why he gave his children such odd names, Frank gave the reply above. -- I
write the music I like. If other people like it, fine, they can go buy the albums. And if they don't like it, there's always Michael
Jackson for them to listen to. -- Frank was talking about his music from the Yellow Shark. -- I never set out
to be wierd. It was always the other people who called me wierd. -- To the Baltimore Sun, October 12, 1986 -- I
don't want to spend explaining myself whole my life. Either you get , or you don't! -- Government is the Entertainment
Division of the military-industrial complex. -- from the Real Frank Zappa Book -- Why doncha come on over to the
house and I'll show 'em to ya? -- Senate hearing on pornography in music, when Tipper said ... "I'd like to see what
kind of toys your children play with." -- Throwing objects such as this are capable of damaging expensive musical
equipment and musicians. Any more of this and there will be no more music. -- FZ, Autumn 1981 at Northrup auditorium
in Minneapolis, Minnesota. After someone threw a plunger on stage about two-thirds of the way through the show, he
stopped the band with a wave of his hand speaking in the general direction that the dangerous object was thrown, while
holding it in his hand. This did not prove to be an amusing act and Franks mood hardened. - It was, however, an
evening of excellent, serious musicianship around the release of 'Shut up and play your guitar' -- Music is
the most physically inspiring of all the arts. -- Said as he gave the keynote address at the American Society of
University Composers in Columbus Ohio in 1985. -- And all the rest of whom for which to whensonever of partially
indeterminate bio-chemical degredation. Seek the path to the sudsy yellow nozzle of their foaming nocturnal parametric
digital whole-wheat inter-faith geo-thermal terpsichorean ejectamenta. -- From board tape at Zappa concert, outdoors,
at Blossom Music Center, Akron, Ohio, summer 1984. This quote was in the middle of a spoken section of "The Mud Club"
in which a dude walks into the club with a blue Mohawk and proceeds to "work the floor, work the wall, work the monitor
system. . . ." The band was having monitor feedback problems at the Blossom concert, and there are numerous references
to P.A. equipment throughout this ramble. Other than that, the quote is meaningless, I guess. But great imagery! -- You
get nothing with your college degree -- from Roxy & Elsewhere -- With the power of soul you can do anything
you wanna do. -- I guess he was takling about the feeling of his music. It was in a guitar magazine. -- Weedley-Weedley-Wee -- Specifically,
the small fret guitar-playing technique that musicians have a tendency to display while in pursuit of a cross between
a waitress and a hoover vacuum... This, of course, from his book. -- Beware of forest fires...Don't fuck too hot-a-gal
in it might jest set em on fire. -- From a series of bootlegs that were recorded i n the 3 European tours that I
travelled with during my illustrious military career in Pirmasens W. Germany....11/76-6/79...most of the quotes came from
the live titties and beer versions with fz and skinny little terry ted bozio. Definitely in Paris, Stutgart and outside
of Kaiserslaughtern ( K-Town ) -- It was 11 o'clock upon a friday know that me an' her were feelin' outasite....yeah
20 reds and a big ol' pile of weed...ya know we drank some wine and then we LSD'd...well Chrissy puked twice and jumped
on my bike...she said fire it up because you know what I like...then she burned her leg on the tailpipe then and said
shiter-ree and puked again.... -- From a series of bootlegs that were recorded i n the 3 European tours that I travelled
with during my illustrious military career in Pirmasens W. Germany....11/76-6/79...most of the quotes came from the live
titties and beer versions with fz and skinny little terry ted bozio. Definitely in Paris, Stutgart and outside of
Kaiserslaughtern ( K-Town ) -- Playing guitar with this band is like trying to grow WATERMELON IN EASTER HAY. -- Always
get a second opinion. -- His personal physician did not diagnose prostate cancer before it was too advanced to treat
with any success. -- Freak me out, Frank! -- I think "when" is a very important thing, but "what the fuck!" is
also a very important thing to ask. Just keep asking "what the fuck?" I mean, why the fuck bother? See what i mean?
The important thing is, deal with the "when". "When" will open a lot of shit for you. "What the fuck" really makes
it easier to deal with it when you understand the "when". -- It's fucking great to be alive, ladies and gentlemen, and
if you do not believe it is fucking great to be alive, you better go now, because this show will bring you down so much -- from
Just Another Band From L.A. -- All right, Zubin, hit it! -- Frank's onstage cue to conductor Zubin Mehta during
their collaborative effort with the L.A. Philharmonic orchestra in 1970 -- The crux of the biscuit is: If it entertains
you, fine. Enjoy it. If it doesn't, then blow it out your ass. I do it to amuse myself. If I like it, I release it.
If somebody else likes it, that's a bonus. -- What he's talking about is obvious. He said this in an interview with
Playboy magazine on May 2, 1993. -- You can tell what they think of our music by the places we are forced to play
it in. This looks like a good spot for a livestock show. -- The Mothers of Invention were opening for Cream in April
of 1968 in Chicago. The place was very large and did look like it had been used for displays of cattle and other such
animals. -- It has never mattered to me that thirty million people might think I'm wrong. The number of people who
thought Hitler was right did not make him right... Why do you necessarily have to be wrong jus because a few million people
think you are? -- Why they don't play my stuff on the radio<BR> From the Real Frank Zappa Book (1989 Poseidon
Press) -- The Future is scary! (Yes, it sure is!) -- It makes me wanna dance. -- From a FZ interview about
some music he had composed (on the synclavier). It was written in 17/35 (or something like that). -- This is Frank
Zappa saying, Don't do speed. Speed turns you into your parents. -- this used to play OFTEN as a public service announcement(PSA) on
radio station WHFS at 102.5 FM in bethesda,MD.USA during the early '70's. it was followed by a nearly inaudible whisper,
"...but grass and acid are o.k.", which may have been frank, or one of the mothers. -- I never took a shit on stage,
and the closest I ever came to eating shit anywhere was at a Holiday Inn buffet in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in 1973. -- From
The Real Frank Zappa book. -- Rain is good for you...<BR> Rain is bad for electrical equipment... -- Outdoor
concert, Jones Beach, NY, Circa 1984 -- You can't be a Real Country unless you have a BEER and an airline - it helps
if you have some kind of a football team or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a BEER. -- Nobody
looks good in brown lipstick -- Get yer ass out there and register to VOTE! -- Whenever your down, just think
about how you got there. -- Anything over a mouthful is wasted. -- The family was from Arkansas. The Dad (Dink)
was a furniture salesman in San Bernardino, but, back in the way-bak-when, he used to play 'bones' or 'spoons' in a
minstrel show. To relive the golden days of yesteryear he would, from time to time, force his children to accompany him
(Ronnie on guitar, Kenny on trombone) in a living room replay of a minstrel routine called "Lazy Bones. <P> The
kids often found this to be an inconvenience, as they were fascinated by, and constantly perfecting new techniques for,
The Manly Art Of Fart-Burning. Kenny explained to me that it was scientific - that it demonstrated (this is a real
quote) "Compression, ignition, combustion and exhaust." -- Kenny & Ronnie Williams (later "immortalized" in
"Let's Make The Water Turn Black") <P> From "The Real Frank Zappa Book" Chapter 4 -- I can't think of
anything I like more than audience participation -- From the Mothers of Prevention -- To me, cigarettes are food -- Response
to an assertion that his nicotine habit conflicted with his anti-drug stance -- May you'll never hear a vloerbedekking
again. -- The beginning of "Theme from Lumpy Gravy," performed in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Vloerbedekking means
"carpet" in Dutch. It must be one of the Frank's made up musical terms translated into Dutch, just like putting eyebrowes
on something. -- It's not ordinary and it's not mundane,but it does not involve golden showers and appliances -- He
was talking about his sex life with Gail in 1980. This information comes from a book I picked up the other day entitled
Frank Zappa: in his own words -- Ooooh the way you love me baby,<BR> I get so hard now I could die.<BR> Ooooh
the way you squeeze me lady<BR> red balloons just pop behind my eyes -- Magic Fingers, 200 Motels -- You
see, when I was a kid I used to save up for a month, so I could get an R&B album and, the same day, the completed
works of Anton Webern. Maybe that means something. Maybe that tells you something about my music. -- Excerpt from
the book "Rock and Other Four Letter Words", copyright 1968. -- Seeing a psychotherapist is not a crazy idea, it just
wanting a second opinion of ones life. -- All year long you people manufactured this crap, and one night a year you've
got to listen to it! -- Frank introducing "psychedelic music" to the audience of the National Academy of Recording
Arts & Science dinner in New York (1968) at which the Mothers were invited to play -- Did anybody dance? -- Said
after performing the highly, shall we say, evolved "Black Page #2" on "Zappa In New York". (And as you probably already
know, this was the song that alerted FZ to the existance of his stunt guitarist to be,Steve Vai, after recieving a
sheet music transcription of the song, made by young master Vai.) -- ....and then they put them on their heads,they
were having a good time,the girl was in the water,she didn't even see what was going on with her UNDERPANTS.But wearing
the pants,it looked just like a tiny little PARTY HAT! -- Establishing the tradition of the JAZZ DISCHARGE PARTY
HATS whilst in Alberquerque,New Mexico.(The Man From Utopia,1983) -- I'd like to know who's Plunkin' the monkeys? -- It
was on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. I can't remember the year maybe 10 years ago? They were talking about AIDS
and how AIDS all got started, he had 3 theory's. First Frank said something about AIDS being a government test gone wrong Then
maybe it was an Alien (ET) test or mistake and finally they talked about the theory of AIDS coming from a monkey and then Frank
said " I'd like to know who's plunkin' the monkey's?" -- This is Frank Zappa suggesting you Un-Load yourself... Don't
do Smack or Downers. -- Public service announcement on KMET rock radio in Southern California during the Early Mid-Seventies. -- You
can't always write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say, so sometimes you have to rely on a giraffe filled
with whipped cream. -- May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face. -- to Mrs. Gore about parental advisory
labels on album covers -- Bad facts make bad laws -- Said during the PMRC hearings. -- Well, you know people,
I'd rather have my own game show than enough votes to become president. -- The drummer's playing in 4/4, the Saxophone
player is playing 5/4, the guitar player is picking his nose.... -- A true Zen saying, nothing is what I want. -- From
Roxy & Elsewhere, Dec 1973 -- Beware of the fish people, they are the true enemy -- Speaking at a ProChoice
rally in Los Angeles around 1989-90. -- Anything can be music -- Answer to critics accusing him of not doing actual
music on Uncle Meat -- Did everyone hear the great news today? Jimmy Swaggart; under investigation. One day every
one of those cocksuckers will get caught. -- Hypocritical television evangelists; "Make A Jazz Noise Here" was the album.
The live performance was either in Boston or Poughkeepsie. -- Seriousity is something to be laughed at. -- FZ
responding to Ivo Niehe from Dutch television after being told that Europeans take Frank's music very serious. -- Get
smart and i`ll fuck you over-Sayeth The Lord About the basics of Christianity and it`s perpetuation of ignorance as a way
of life -- Scientology, how about that? You hold on to the tin cans and then this guy asks you a bunch of questions,
and if you pay enough money you get to join the master race. How's that for a religion? -- Concert at the Rockpile,
Toronto, May 1969 -- My music makes the mind think -- Time magazine Dec.20/93, page 73 -- Yeah, I tell them
to change the channel if they see some guy in a brown suit with a telephone number at the bottom of the screen asking
for money. -- on being asked by Tipper Gore if there was anything on the TV he _didn't_ allow his kids to watch ... -- Think
I'll go out and get a little action. -- Pamela Zarubica described this as something Zappa would say when beginning
an average day. This time her husband was visiting and FZ scared the crap out of him... he was compared to Dr. Zhivago.
I read this little story in MOTHER! the Frank Zappa Story. -- This tree is ugly and it wants to DIE... -- graphic
art work on the "Absolutely Free" cover -- Producing satire is kind of hopeless because of the literacy rate of the
American public. -- A quote in response to criticism of "Jewish Princess" ("People" magazine, circa 1979) -- ...I
think (Abbey Road is) the best engineered, best mastered rock and roll album ever produced...except that I take exception
to stereo placement. -- From "Frank Zappa talks about Faves, Raves, and composers in their g raves" - some English
publication, I think. (2 & 3 from the book, "The Lives and Times of Frank Zappa and the Mothers", some Brit
thing again (got it at Blue Meanie Imports in San Diego fifteen years ago.) -- DENSE, PUTRID VAPORS from a SMOKE
GUN (we rent it) -- From another Zappa graphic, this time a poster advertising a concert: "Therapeutic Abortion
with the Mothers..." -- For some real personal satisfaction, try yelling out your own names. -- At a concert in
Boston, Massachusetts to some fans (my friends) who kept yelling out Frank's name. -- I wrote a song about dental
floss but did anyone's teeth get cleaner? -- In response to Tipper Gore's allegations that music incites people towards
deviant behavior, or influences their behavior in general. -- I didn't know such things existed, a guy walking in
front of the stage with a fucking t-shirt to sell to somebody, well you live and learn... regular folks know
this exquisite little inconvenience by the name of COMMERCIALISM -- from bootleg recording "Project/Object" intro
Stinkfoot -- The manner in which Americans "consume" music has a lot to do with leaving it on their coffee tables,
or using it as wallpaper for their lifestyles, like the score of a movie -- it's consumed that way without any regard for how
and why it was made. -- From "The Real Frank Zappa Book" (ch. 11) -- Never stop and keep going -- Giving
advice to young musicians. early 80's interview with pennsylvania state police officer whom is also a zappa fan. originally
to be shown to local high school students of the area but frank ended up on the subject of politics and you can just
imagine why the kids never seen this video. -- Well Mike, I'm abnormal. -- When FZ appeared on the Mike Douglas
show (solo, playing guitar with recorded backup), Mike said "Your latest album is called Zoot Allures. How do you
come up with such names for your records?" (or something equally banal!) Frank's succinct reply is printed above. -- So
long as somebody gets a laugh out of it, what the fuck? -- From Guitar Player's "Mother of All Interviews" part 2, summing
up...well , everything! -- All right kiddies, we'll play "wipe-out" for you in a moment. -- Frank's comment
to the crowd at a 1968 concert in Dallas, Tx -- People who think of videos as an art form are probably the same people
who think Cabbage Patch Dolls are a revolutionary form of soft sculpture. -- Zappa on videos (obviously) from Viva
Zappa - Biography -- People make a lot of fuss about my kids having such supposedly 'strange names', but the fact
is that no matter what first names I might have given them, it is the last name that is going to get them in trouble. -- From
the Real Fran Zappa Book - Mr. Dad chapter -- The formal structure of "You Didn't Try to Call Me" is not revolutionary,
but it is interesting. You don't care. -- Liner notes for "You Didn't Try to Call Me" on "Freak Out!" -- "Wowie
Zowie" is what [Pamela Zarubica] says when she's not grouchy...who would guess it could inspire a song? No one would
guess. None of you are perceptive enough. *Why are you reading this?* -- Liner notes for "You Didn't Try to Call
Me" (yes, really) on "Freak Out!" -- Carl Orestes *freaky* down to his toe nails. Some day he will
live next door to you and your lawn will die. -- Liner notes for "Hungry Freaks, Daddy" on "Freak Out!" -- Drop
out of school before your mind rots from exposure to our mundane educational system. Forget about the Senior Prom and
go to the library and *educate yourself* if you've got any guts. Some of you like *pep rallies* and plastic robots who
tell you what to read. Forget I mentioned it. *This song has no message.* Rise for the flag salute. -- Liner notes
for "Hungry Freaks, Daddy" on "Freak Out!" -- Of course you realize you won't be able to hear the organ once we turn
the guitars on. -- Introduction to "Louie, Louie" on "Uncle Meat" -- My, you sure are slow here in Texas aren't
you? -- During a 1968 Dallas, Tex. tour, Frank was conducting the Mothers by flipping the bird to the musician he
wanted to perform. He turned to the audience and using both hands, he swept his fickle fingers wildly into the air. The
crowd of several thousand at the convention center sat silent. "My you sure are slow here in Texas, aren't you?" he
yelled and the punks went crazy! -- Meanwhile at the Fornebu duty free shop -- Phrase used between songs during
the march 1988 concert in Skedsmohallen, near Oslo, Norway. Fornebu is the Oslo airport. -- You think our music-
the Monkees music is banal and insipid?" -- Frank replying to Mike Nesmith on an episode of "The Monkees" on which
Frank and Mike pretended to be each other for several minutes before the opening theme. -- If there is a hell, it
waits for them, not us! -- There's no question in my mind -- the beer, the ballons and the bunting all start with
"B" for some cosmic reason. -- Words that star with B and remind him of the Republican party. The Real Frank Zappa
Book. Page 238 -- Anyone who is disturbed by the idea of newts in a nightclub is potentially dangerous. -- I
can't remember the exact details but it was during one of his trials. One of the prosecuting lawyers quoted some of
his lyrics which pertained to newts in a nightclub and said he found this image disturbing. Frank responded with the
above. I like it as a sentence. -- Ever try to have a conversation with someone on drugs? It just doesn't work... -- Sometime
during the summer of 1987, when asked by a DC reporter, "what are your feelings on the war on drugs?" His first response
was to criticize the inherent invasion of privacy, followed by the above statement against drug use. -- You wouldn't
know a revolution if it bit you on the dick. -- In response to a young crowd member continually shouting "Revolution"
between songs at a late 60's gig. The gig was at Middle Earth in Indianapolis, Indiana. -- Nobody looks good with
brown lipstick on -- from The Real Frank Zappa Book, In other words, don't kiss ass. -- No one has forced
Mrs. Baker or Mrs. Gore to bring Prince into their homes. -- PMRC Hearing 1985 -- It began with lyrics, but even
looking at the PMRC fund raising letter in the last paragraph, at the bottom of the page, it starts looking like it's
branching into other areas when it says 'We realize that this material's pervaded other aspects of society' and it's like 'What,
you gonna fix it all for me?' -- Mr Zappa, I am astounded at the courtesy and soft voiced nature of the comments
of my friend, the Senator from Tennessee. I can only say that I find your statement to be boorish, incredibly and insensitively
insulting to the people who were here previously, that you could manage to give the First Amendment of the Constitution
of the United States a bad name, if I felt you had the slightest understanding of it, which I do not. -- - Senator
Slade Gorton -- You don't have the slightest understanding of the difference between government action and private
action, and you have certainly destroyed any case you might otherwise have had with this Senator. -- Senator Gorton,
to which Frank Zappa responds with "Is this private action?" -- I think you should leave it up to the parent, because
not all parents want to keep their children totally ignorant. -- Frank Zappa in response to a question from Senator
Hollings. -- Well, you and I would differ on what's ignorance and educated. -- Senator Ernest Hollings to Zappa -- Yes,
Ladies and gentleman, even in this agricultural enviroment, We're gonna' play a love song -- This was about 1974
in Harrisburg Pa. at the Farm Show Arena, a week after the Farm show had left town... Frank never admitted to playing
there, and I can't say as I blame him. But, I will never forget what a magical night that was. -- Tax the FUCK
out of the churches! -- The concept of the rock-guitar solo in the eightees has pretty much been reduced to: Weedly-weedly-wee,
make a face, hold your guitar like it's your weenie, point it heavenward, and look like you're really doing something.
Then, you get a big ovation while the the smoke bombs go off, and the motorized lights in your truss twirl around!" -- The
Real Frank Zappa Book. -- If there's ever an obscene noise to be made on an instrument, it's gonna come out of a
guitar! On a sax you can play sleze, on a bass you can play balls.but on a guitar you can be truely obscene! Lets be
realistic about this, the guitar can be the single most blastomphous device on the earth! the guitar makes a stink noise.
thats why I like it!! -- The first hyphen in MAH-JUH-REEN could be used for erotic gratification by a very desparate
 |
[ a ]
A Box of Fish with Tartar Sauce A Boy Named Gomer Above Average Weight Band A Cat Born In
An Oven Isn't a Cake Accidental Goat Sodomy Adickdid Adult Children of Heterosexuals Afghanistan Banana Stand
Aggressive Crotch Display Agnes Morehead Aha, the Attack of the Green Slime Beast Albino Toilet Boys Alcoholocaust Alien
Nymphos from Uranus Alien Sex Fiend Amberham Lincoln Amputatoe Anal Babes Anal Beard Barbers Anal Cunt
Anal Sadist Ancient Chinese Penis An Emotional Fish Angry Samoans Anus the Menace Apocolypse Hoboken
The Archbishop's Enema Fetish The Armadildoes Armageddon Dildos Armpit Arthur Loves Plastic Ashtray
Boy The Ass Baboons of Venus Ass Ponys Ass Solvent Assuck Attila The Stockbroker
[ b ]
Baby Shit Brown Badical Turbo Radness The Bad Livers Bad Mutha Goose Baldilocks Baloney
Ponys The Band Formerly Known As Sausage A Band Named Bob Band Over Barbara's Bush Barbie Bones Barefoot
Hockey Goalie Barenaked Ladies Barf Barnyard Slut Barney Rubble and the Cunt Stubble Barry White Boys Bassholes
Bearded Clams Bearded Itchy Lover Beast Penis Beats the Hell Out of Me Beef Masters The Bendy Monsters
Ben Wa and the Blue Balls Bertha Does Moosejaw Bertha's Mule Betty Ford Betty's Not a Vitamin Beverley
Beer Bellies Biff Hitler and the Violent Mood Swings Big Ass Truck Big Balls and the Great White Idiot Big Black
Nun Big Blow and the Bushwackers Big Daddy Cumbuckets Big Dead Fish Big Dick and the Extenders Big Fat Pet
Clams From Outer Space Big Fish Ensemble Big In Iowa Big White Undies The Biggest Freak in New Jersey Bimbo
Toolshed Bionic Roomate Birth Hole Bitter Enemies/Butter Enemas Bizarr Sex Trio [sic] Black Leather Agenda
Black Leather Jesus Bleeding Rectum Blew Willie Bloated Scrotum Blonder Tongue Bloody Stools Blow
Monkeys Blueballs Deluxe Boba Fett Youth Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits Body Falling Down Stairs
Boiled Angel Bolt Upright and the Erections Bondage A Go Go Bonedaddys Bongwater Bongzilla Bordering
On Retarded Boris the Sprinkler The Bourbon Tabernacle Choir BowWowWowHaus Bozo Porno Circus Brady Bunch
Lawnmower Massacre Bright Blue Gorilla Buck Naked and the Bare Bottom Boys Bullwinkel Gandhi Brutal Juice Brutal
Noodle Buck Satan and the 666 Shooters Buddy Wasisname and the Other Fellas Bulimia Banquet Bumgravy The
Bumpin' Uglies Bunchoffuckingoofs Burger Pimp Buster Hymen & the Penetrators Butthole Surfers Butt Savages
Buttsteak Butt Trumpet
[ c ]
Caltransvestites Cancer Bunny Candy Striper Death Orgy Cap'n Crunch and the Cereal Killers
Captain Drinking Binge Carnage Asada Cat Butt Cat Rapes Dog Carter the Unstoppable Sexmachine Cheetah
Chrome Motherfuckers Cherry Coke Enema Cherry Poppin' Daddies Cher UK Chewbacca Plaid Cock Chia Pet The
Chicken Charmers Chickens On Smack Chocolate Bunnies From Hell Christ On A Crutch Cindy Brady's Lisp Circle
Jerks Clive Pig and the Hopeful Chinamen Clitaurus Rex Clown Meat Cobaine's Brains Cocknoose Coffin
Break Colon On The Cob Colostomy Grab-Bag Cookie Mould and the Smegmettes The Couch Slugs Cortizone 5 Crappy
the Clown and the Punch Drunk Monkies Craven Morehead Crazy Taco Cafeteria Cream of Whoop-Ass Soup Crew Slut
Crispy Ambulance Crocheted Doughnut Ring Crosseyed Chicken The Crucifucks Crybabies With Brassholes Cultivated
Bimbo Cum Dumpster The Cunning Runts Cunts With Attitude Curious George and the Homophobes Cycle Sluts
From Hell
[ d ]
Dairy Queen Empire Damn the Bad Luck Dancing Cigarettes The Dancing French Liberals of 1848 Dayglo
Abortions Dead Fish Prophecy Dead Kennedys Dead Milkmen The Dead Pants (Die Toten Hosen) Deepthroat Shotgun
Desciples of Ed Demon Barf Dick Cheese and the Crackers Dick Delicious and the Tasty Testicles Dick Duck
and the Dorks The Dick Nixons Dickless The Dicks Dicky Retardo Did Lee Squat? Dildo Warheads Dirt
Clod Fight Dirty Dick and the Trojan Test Pilots Dirty Girl Scout Disappointed Parents Disgruntled Postal Workers
The Dismemberment Plan The Do I Look Like I Give a Fucks Dog Food Five Dogfuckers Doggy Style Dog Lips Dog
Shit Rangers Dogs With Jobs Don Knotts Overdrive Dopper Cocks Doris Daze Douche Gimlet Downy Mildew
Dracula Milk Toast Drag King Dragmules Draw Your Own Cow [Rita din egen ko] Dreaded Apparatus Drew Barrymore's
Dealer Drive By Crucifixion Drive-In Funeral Drunks With Guns Dumpster Juice Dusty Cowshit
[ e ]
Earthpig and Fire Eat My Afterbirth e. coli Edith Head Ed Gein's Car Ed's Redeeming
Qualities Elastic Sausage Electric Blue Peggy Sue and the Revolutionions from Mars Electric Vomit The Elvis
Diet Elvis and the Shitheads Elvis Hitler Emily's Sassy Lime End of Orgy Ethyl Meatplow Ethyl Merman Eve's
Plumb Evil Weiner Experimental BBQ Exploding Boy Exploding Fuck Dolls Exploding Head Trick Exploding
Tits Exploding White Mice
[ f ]
Fabulous Pimps Facial Defecation Fag Fag Bash Fangboy and the Ghouls Farrt The
Fartz The Fat Chick from Wilson Phillips Fat Luv Fearless Iranians From Hell The Fellatio Ratio Fetus
Fajitas Fields of Shit The Fierce Nipples '57 Lesbian Five Fat Guys Who Rock Fix My Head The Flaming
Donuts of Jesus Flaming Lips Flamin' Schnanuses Flatutory Rape Flavor of Uranus Flopping Bodybags Flying
Dustbunnies Force Vomit Foreskin 500 Four Honkies In a Big Black Car The 4-Skins Four Nurses of the Apocalypse
The Freaky Executives The Fred Mertz Experience Free Beer Free Beer and Chicken Free Range Chicken The
French are from Hell Freud Chicken Frogs Don't Cry Fromage d'Amour Fuck Fuckemos Fuckface Fuckhead
Fucking Angels The Fucking Cunts Fuckin' Shit Biscuits Fuckin' Son of a Bitch Fuck Me, Suck Me, Call Me
Helen Fuckshitpiss Fuck Your Stupid Civilization Fuck You Yankee Bluejeans Fudge Tunnel Full Throttle Aristotle
Full Metal Chicken Full Metal Faggot The Funkin' Donuts Funman and the Scumbags Furious George
[ g ]
Gag Factor GangGreen Gangrene Gangway Fathead Gaye Bikers on Acid Gee That's A Large
Beetle I Wonder If It's Poisonous Geisha Balls Genitorturers The Glands of External Secretion Global Disrobal
Glory Hole God's Girlfriend Goldfish Don't Bounce The Go Kill Yourselves Go Nad Go Gonoreagan Granny's
Hole Grim Skunk Grand Mother Fucker Gregg Turner and the Blood Drained Cows Guess My Perversion [Gissa min perversion] Guitarantula
[ h ]
Habitual Sex Offenders The Hair & Skin Trading Co. Hakan Sleeps Naked [Hakan Sover Naken]
Half Man, Half Biscuit Halibutt Sharon Halo of Flies Hamster Sandwich Hard-drinkin' Housewives Hard-Ons Harry
Palms and the Gym Towels Harry Pussy The Hate Fuck Trio Headless Marines Headlice Head Like a Hole? Heavy
Into Jeff Heavy Pink Insulator Heavy Vegetable Helen Keller Plaid The Helicopter Barfs [Helikoptern kraeks] Hellacopter
Meat Hell Camino Hell Toupee Hello I'm A Truck Henry Kissinger's Tits Here, Eat This! Her Majesty the
Baby Hermaphrochrist The Hermaphrodaddies Herpes Cineplex He's Dead Jim Heterophobia Heywood Trout
Festival Hindu Garage Sale Hitler Stole My Potato Hockey Teeth Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of Death Hollywood
Chainsaw Hookers Holy Mary, Mother of Bert Hornets Attack Victor Mature Horny Hogs Horny Mormons The Horrid
Farts Hot Rod Shopping Cart Hot Seamen House of Large Sizes Hugh Jorgan and the Four Skins The Humpers
The Hurling Tandooris
[ i ]
I Buried Paul If Cows Had Wings I Just Killed My Parents I Love My Shih-Tzu Immaculate
Infection Impaled Nazarene Impotent Seasnakes Individual Fruit Pie The Inflatable Boy Clams The Inflatable
Jesus Love Dolls Inhale Mary The Insult That Made a Man Out of Mac The Introspective Playboy Iowa Beef Experience
I Played in Anal Spew Iron Liver Iron Prostate It's All Meat
[ j ]
Jabbering Trout Jackie O Motherfucker Jack Off Jill The Jackofficers Jason's Cat Died Jazz
Iguanas The Jean Paul Sartre Experience Jehovah's Waitresses Jehovahs Witness Protection Program Jenny's Pussy
Jerry's Kids Jesus Christ and the Nailknockers Jesus Christ Super Fly Jesus Chrysler Supercar Jesus Fucking
Christ JFKFC Jif and the Choosy Mothers Jim Jones and the Kool Aid Kids The Jizzbuckets Jizzy Speedwack
Joan of Arkansas Jodie Foster's Army John Cougar Concentration Camp John Holmes: Cucumber Smuggler Johnny
Jism Johnny McPenis and the Ass Clams Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams Johnny Uterus and the Fallopian Tubes
Johnny Vomit Jolly Naked Fishermen Juggling Death Squad
[ k ]
Kaka Pussy Kamakazi Sex Pilots Kathleen Turner Overdrive Kenfunky Fried Kerrigan's Knees
Kick Ass Ernie Kid Bastard and the Strap-on Dicks Killer Kiwis Killer Pussy Kill Ted Knight King Fucker
Chicken Kissing the Pink Knights of Butthole [Perseenreian Ritarit] Kung Fu Action Clergy Persons K.Y. and
the Backsliders
[ l ]
Lavay Smith and The Red Hot Skillet Lickers Lawnsmell The Leave It To Beaver Conehead Immolation
Lee Harvey Keitel Lee Press-On and the Nails Lesbian Dopeheads on Mopeds Lesbian Ninjas Lip Smacking Kitten
Lunch Lipstick Sandwich Lisa Gives Head Lord Panic and the Exploders Lorne Greene's Wet Nipple Love Gravy
Lovebucket & Slapphappy Super-fly Lubricated Goat Lubricunts The Luminous Toilet Bowls Lung Mustard
Luxury Christ
[ m ]
Maggot Sandwich Ma Joad and the Load-Blowers Man...or Astro-Man? Manson-Nixon Line Mao
Tse Helen Mary Carves the Chicken Mary Kay and the Cosmetics Mate/Spawn/Kill Mayhem Lettuce Me and My Right
Hand Meat Beat Manifesto Meat Cigars Meatpipe Meat Puppets Meat Shits Meaty Pants Mechanical Tampon
Fish Mega Smegma Men Among Poodles Menstrual Gravy Microwavable Tree Frogs Mighty Sphincter Mill Valley
Taters Minnie Pearl Necklace Minnie Pearl's Jam Mr. Bill and the Cumtones Mr. Happy and the Genocides Mr.
Quintron and the Flossy Unicorn Puppet Show Mr. Tasty and the Bread Healers Mr. T Experience Moist Fist Monkey
Fucks Football The Morbid Tavern Apple Choir More Drunk Cowboys The Most Sordid Pies Mother Theresa's Children
[Moder Theresas Barn] Mott the Hoople Mouse and the Traps Much Ado About Shit The Muffs Mussolini Headkick
My Dad is Dead My Dog Has Hitler's Brain My Uncle's Asshole My White Bread Mom
[ n ]
Naked Potato Nancy Reagan's Abortions Nasal Sex With Broken Glass Natural Fonzie Naugahyde
Chihuahuas Nearly Died Laughing While Shaving My Butt Ned's Atomic Dustbin The Negro Problem New Squids on
the Dock 99th Fuck You Nip Drivers Nipple Erectors Nipple Hardness Factor Nocturnal Emissions Nomad
Nipples Noodle Muffin and the Pig Squints Norman Bates and the Shower Heads Not Drowning, Waving Not With
My Camel Nuclear Pope Sex Dolls Nurse With Wound Nuts Can Surf
[ o ]
Octapussy Oedipussy 1,200,000 Dead Tibetians 1000 Homo DJs Organic Condom Mazda Drugs
Out of Godzilla's Butt Out Vile Jelly Ovarian Trolley Ozzy Beard Spaghetti
[ p ]
Pabst Smear Painful Discharge Painful Rectal Itch Paisley Brain Cells Pamper the Madman
Pansy Division Part Time Christians Paul Minor's Great Big Ego Peace Love and Pitbulls Pearl Harbor and
the Explosions Pee Pee Shy The Pee Tanks Pelvic Meatloaf Penis DeMilo Penis Flytrap Penis Pulling
Ramrods of Death Penis Sheurekan Penis Your Majesty Penis Wrinkle People With Chairs Up Their Noses Peppermint
Dildo Perforated Head Peter and the Test Tube Babies Phallus Dei Phenobarbidols Philemon Arthur and the
Dung Phlegm Fatale Picadilly Circus People Pieces of Lisa Pimps of Venus Pink Slip Daddy Piss Pissed
Officers Piss Factory The Pissflaps Piss Wizards Placenta Sandwich Planet of Pants Plastic Nude Martini
Playdough Fish Poonanie Cramp-Up Poop Shovel Pope John Paul Quartet with Friends and Blowers on the Rocks Pope
on a Stick Popemobile Pork Queen Pornhuskers Porn on the Cob Post Nasal Drip Poultry in Motion Pounded
Clown Power of Pussy Power Snatch Pregnant Men Premature Ejaculation Premature Evacuation Pretentious
Flamedogs Prick Princess Tinymeat Printed At Bismarck's Death Prison Rape Scenes Professor Morrison's
Lollipop Psychic Buddist Gorillas Psycho Sluts from Hell Public Enema Puke Daisies Pumpin' Ethyl Pungent
Frustration Pure Bastard Extract Purple Headed Love Warriors Purple Vulture Shit Pussy Crush Pussy Galore Pussy
[ r ]
Radical Vulvetomy Raging Woodies Rainbow Butt Monkeys The Rampant Hedgehogs Rash of Stabbings
Rats of Unusual Size Real Fucking Idiots Rebel Without Applause Recktum Rectal Nightmare Reluctant
Stereotypes REO Speed Dealer Revolting Cocks Rhinohumpers Rhythm Method Roid Rogers and the Whirling Butt
Cherries Rolling Donut Root Boy Slim and the Sex-Change Band with The Rootettes Rubber Nipple Salesmen Rudimentary
Peni Rugburns Rump Rangers The Runz
[ q ]
Quasimodo and the Eunuchs The Queers Queer Wookie Question Mark & the Mysterians
[ s ]
Sam Esh & Hard Black Thing Sam's Butt Sandy Duncan's Eye Satans Cheerleaders Satan's
Cheese Satan's Penis Saturated Fat Saturday's Garbage Saturn Flea Collar Schlong Science Diet Scoring
Dope for the Ultimate Woman Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel Screaming Brocolli Screaming Fucking Hippies Screaming
Headless Torsos Screaming Moist Accountants Scrotum Septic Death 7 Foot Spleen Seven Year Bitch Severe
Tire Damage Sex Clark Five Sex With Midgets Sharon Stoned She Stole My Beer Sheep On Drugs Shirley
Temple of Doom Shirley Temple Pilots The Shit Shit Bong Shit Birds Shit Dogs Shoot the Mime Shot
Down In Ecuador, Jr. The Shower Scene from Psycho Shower With Goats Simulated Orgasms [Simulerte Orgasmer] Sinus
Envy Sister Run Naked Six Inch Nipples 6 Hard Brothers and a Dog 69% Female Skadelic Smegma Skankin
Pickle Skinflick Skunk Death Slut Kitchen Sluts for Hire Small Ball Paul Smegma Smegma & the
Nuns Smelly Tongues Smilin' Hams Smoking Popes Snatch Snatch Attack Snatches Of Pink Sniveling
Shits Snot Rocket Snuff the Ficus Sodom & Gomorrah Liberation Front Softcocks Solosex Some Kind of
Cream Soothing Sounds For Baby Sorry About Your Daughter Soul Coughing Spacecocks Space Hog Spaceman Bill
and the Groovy Gravy Space Negroes Space Pussy Spanking Bishops Spastic Colon The Spastic Rats Speculum
Fight Spermbirds Sperm Wails Spock's Johnson Spooky Tooth Sucking Diction Stale Urine *.fat [pronounced
STAR DOT FAT] STD Police Stiff Richards Stiff Woodies Stinky Fire Engine St. Mucous Stop Calling Me
Frank Straight Jacket Lucy Strangulated Beatoffs Strong, Naked & Car Thieves [Sterk, Naken & Biltyvene]
Stud McCoy and the Creemy Twinkies Stukas Over Bedrock Sucking Chest Wound Super Sonic Soul Pimps Surfing
Jesus The Surf Maggots Surgical Penis Klinik Susanne and the Guys With Ties Swallowing Shit Sweaty Nipples Swingin'
Johnsons Swingin' Udders The Swinging Love Corpses Swollen Monkeys
[ t ]
Tastes Like Chicken T-Bone and the Spit Vendors Technosquid Eats Parliament Ted Bundy's Volkswagen Ted
Ed Fred Teenage Jesus and the Jerks Temporary Darkening of the Stool Testostertones Thank God We're Immortal
The The The Very Idea of Fucking Hitler They Tried To Frame OJ They Were Expendable Thinking Fellers Union
Local 282 Third Global Vagina Torture This This Is Our Daughter This Is Serious, Mum Thomas Jefferson Slave
Apartments 3D House of Beef Throbbing Gristle Thurston Howell's Boner Tit Wrench Titty Bingo To Live
and Shave in LA Toiling Midgets Tonto's Expanding Headband Too Fat to Skate Tortured Scrotum Toxic Shock
and the Tampons Tracy & the Hindenburg Ground Crew Trailer Park Casanovas Traveling Dingleberries Trotsky
Icepick Trout Fishing In America Tumor Circus Tupperware Death Two For Flinching Two Minute Sinatra 2000
[ u ]
UFOFU Ugly Head Ultimate Spinach Unidentified Rocking Objects Uncle Bob Touched Me Underpants
Machine Universal Orgiastic Picnic The Urinals Urine Specimen Useless Pieces of Shit
[ v ]
Vagina Dentata Organ Vaginal Blood Farts Vaginal Davis Vaginal Reference Van Gogh's Ear
The Vast Void of Empty Nothingness The Vegas Cocks Vegetarian Meat Venus and the Razor Blades Vic Morrow's
Head Virgin Prunes Virgin-Whore Complex Vermin from Venus The Veronica Cartwrights The Vibrators Vic
Vaccume and the Attachments Violent Anal Death The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black Vomit Launch The Vomit Spots
Vomit Thrower Vomitorium Voodoo Meat Bucket
[ w ]
Wafflebutt Waffles Against AIDS [Vafler mot AIDS] Walking With Edna Was I Naked Weird
People in Giant Condoms Weird Skull Control The Well Hungarians Well Strung Wendy and Her Menstrual Cycles
When People Were Shorter and Lived By the Water Where's The Pope? White People Lie White Trash Debutantes Whorehouse
of Representatives Whorgasm Who The Hell Are You? Willie Nelson Mandela Wonderbred, the Refined White Flour
Children Woodpussy Wrecked Em The Wrench Twisting Streetlickers Wynona Ryders
[ y ]
The Yams from Outer Space The Yeasty Girls Your Damn Neighbors Your Naked Mother
[ z ]
Zombies Under Stress Zoogz Rift and His Amazing Shitheads Zsa Zsa Zulu Leprechauns
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