- You've slept with Geraldo Rivera.
- Arsenio touches your knee.
- Even Richard Dawson won't kiss you.
- Sheik offers you free shares in the company.
- You become a vaseline spokesperson.
- Having two tampons in at the same time doesn't bother you.
- The EPA comes looking for you.
- You go throught a Sealy (tm) a week.
- Frederik actaully comes to your door himself...just to see where 1/2 of his orders go.
- When people say "Ho, Ho, Ho" and it's July.
- When you don't know "What's his name?"
- You have to go across the border for a Pap Smear.
- You are the headquarters for the CDC.
- Your baby looks familiar, but......like who?
- When they change your # to 976.
- Tetracycline is your best friend.
- McDonald's calls you "The Happy Meal".
- It takes 2 douches and a spatula at shower time.
- Changing your sheets comes more than once a day.
- When you've got a "Take a Number" machine at your door.
- When they call you "Shazam" and they don't mean the money machine!
- When you get hemrhoids on you shoulders.
- When getting dressed is not part of your day.
- Your day starts and ends by rolling over.
- When the sperm bank calls for remnants.
- When your screams are heard over a fire alarm.
- When you're wearing more latex than spandex.
- When your motto is "2 Days, 2 Pounds...$2.90."
- When your ceiling mirrors fog.
- When they install a revolving door at your apartment.
- On the golf course, your afraid to yell "Fore (four)."
- When the word Slalom gets you excited.
- When the Marine Corps does recruitment outside your door.
- When you have a neon sign saying "open at night".
- You want to have your name changed to Misty.
- Madonna comes to you for pointers.
- You start to think of youself as Smurfette.
- You haven't seen your floor in a week.
- When sunlight scares you.
- When your favorite quote is "next please".
- You know all the people in "America's Most Wanted".
- When Susan Sarandon envies you.
- When Guiness Book starts calling.
- When every song reminds you of someone...but who?
- When everyone refers to you as "dear" and "honey".
- When he doesn't even have to buy you a drink.
- When you have a room key to every hotel in town.
- When Holiday Inn is coming after you for their linen.
- Motel 6 signals you in with runway lights.
- The only place you haven't had sex is on the moon.
- When a men's prison becomes a vacation "hot spot"
- The Big Dipper looks inviting.
- When soft foods have become distasteful.
- White sauce is a staple in your diet.
- When the Red Cross turns their head at you.
- When it only taked 2 licks to get to the center of a Blow Pop.
- When you and your cat have the same tongue consistency.
- When other women begin to call you "Man's Best Friend".
- You and Prince have already made 3 records.
- When the neighbors want you to install a drive up window.